What we do


We help organisations and companies apply insights for better strategic decision making and collective dialogue.

Creative Economies Research and Insights

Insights and research is a key driver of Andani.Africa that assists our community and clients in making informed decisions when investing in creative and cultural industries in Africa. Our insight and research methodology is based on bringing together African knowledge systems and contextual understanding, data engineering technologies, economy and ecosystems.

 Andani.Africa’s approach to research is led by our commitment to meaningful and actionable insights that benefit both our clients and the creative sector as a whole. This emerges from our own passion for and experience in the creative sector, but also from our firm belief that research doesn’t belong on a shelf! Andani.Africa works closely with its clients to identify strategies to put research to work, and to ensure we are constantly learning more about this vastly fascinating sector.

As a leading research and insights agency with a specialist focus on the creative economy, Andani Africa provides an informed and nuanced approach to all our research, building off the collective experience of two and a half decades in the sector. Through our three ongoing data tracks, audience and consumer studies, evaluations, feasibility studies and creative industries mapping from many places across the African continent, Andani Africa offers detailed insights specific that are committed to ingenuity and dynamic thinking.

By connecting the dots between the creative industries and the impact on the broader creative economy, we consider the various ways in which cultural and creative production influences numerous industries and sectors and we aim to capture this impact through detailed and methodical data collection and analysis. Addressing knowledge-gaps in the creative economy is a vital part of the work we do. This data has the ability to expand the growth potential of commercial companies, government and its agencies and not-for-profit organisations.

Our data tracks ensure an ongoing base of knowledge being built that informs all of our studies through specific data on:

  • Digital and creativity, including creative digital skills and 4IR developments on the continent.
  • Economic data with a focus on small, medium and micro enterprises in the creative economy.
  • Cultural and creative trends, including how these trends influence commercial brands, night time economies and cultural tourism

Our research extends far beyond these three specific tracks, but always works from an established base of ongoing data collection.

Data Storytelling 

Andani.Africa aims to provide thought leadership that develops and advances Cultural and Creative Industries in South Africa, the SADC region and the African continent.

Andani.Africa works within the intersection of tradition and culture that we like to call Data Humanism: African forms of storytelling that bring the message home. Andani.Africa is committed to ensuring that the knowledge being developed on and about the creative economy is shared and understood by as wide an audience as possible – and as creatives ourselves, we believe creativity is the way to do this. Data Humanism is an approach to the vast universe of data, and the sometimes intimidating space of research to ensure connection, and understanding with the story of the creative economy.

We work with our clients to harness technological advances afforded us by new digital forms of data analysis and visualisation, and the skills and expertise of the best storytellers in film, animation, podcasting and graphic design. From explainer videos to art exhibitions, we find ways to bring the knowledge to the people in ways that stick, and remain in the memory long after the report is read.
Speak to us about integrating data storytelling into your research needs, or about interpretation of existing research by our team of researchers and creatives.

Strategic Advisory Services

Andani.Africa provides solicited, and in some instances unsolicited, Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) strategic advisory services to stakeholders in cultural, creative, and related industries.

As Andani. Africa, we have an established a track record in creative economy strategic advisory services. A review of organisational structures, systems and processes is a generative way of ensuring that the full scope of development and growth possibilities with creativity at its core, are explored. We offer design thinking, creative solutions-thinking and engaging organisational development models in the form of immersive strategy sessions and workshop facilitation, concept papers, statistics, infographics and occasionally full feasibility reports including a combination of all formats. 

Our investment advisory services provide organisations valuable insights into the creative economy and give a better understanding of what kind of value can be created by investing in the creative sector. This includes in-depth studies for companies into creative markets understanding growth potential and opportunities and strategic advice on cutting edge product development online and IRL. Informed by Andani.Africa’s continuous research tracks, clients receive well researched advice that not only assist in trend forecasting, but is based deep foresight.